Friday, January 27, 2012

Where in the world

It was spain. ha ha ha. i trcked all of you. yes it is on of the many windmills in spain.

Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow Laws

“It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other in any game of cards or dice, dominoes or checkers.”
—Birmingham, Alabama, 1930

“Marriages are void when one party is a white person and the other is possessed of one-eighth or more negro, Japanese, or Chinese blood.”
—Nebraska, 1911
“Separate free schools shall be established for the education of children of African descent; and it shall be unlawful for any colored child to attend any white school, or any white child to attend a colored school.”
—Missouri, 1929
“All railroads carrying passengers in the state (other than street railroads) shall provide equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races, by providing two or more passenger cars for each passenger train, or by dividing the cars by a partition, so as to secure separate accommodations.”
—Tennessee, 1891

These were four Jim crow laws. The laws were passed bescause the government was scared about what the black people and chinese could do. They also didn't want to lose against black poeple as well. I hate these laws as well as most of the other laws. I think they are horrible and evil. Noone should be treated like that.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can you guess where this is.
Hint: I've been here before.

Monday, October 31, 2011

where in the world

Hey everyone. I can't post so I will post my guesses. James, yours is in....europe i think in....glendalough valley, Ireland? im probubly wrong. Leslie. thats easy, its the great barrier reef. and Anna S. yours is really hard. im going to guess.........Alaska. well thanks.

the wedding blog

     The wedding I went to was in Nicosia, Cyprus. It was on September 18th. It was one of the main things that we did that week. The people who were getting married were part of the embassy so I came as well as family and friends. I didn’t need to wear very formal clothes, just a nice shirt and pants. We went to a big church where there were lots of pictures of religious things. One of the pictures was of Jesus.

                So, first we all got there before the bride and groom did. We waited at the steps of the church. First the groom came in a car and a small band started to play. The groom wore a nice tuxedo and was in a happy mood.  He then came and waited with us. Not long after the bride came in a big long limousine. Her bride’s maids came out first and then she came out in a long white wedding dress. The band started playing a lot. So then we all walked in and took our seats. I sat by the aisle so I could see what happened.
                The seats were made so you could lift up the seat to stand, but the only problem was when you put it back down it made a loud bang. Throughout the wedding we could hear the bang, bang, bang, of the chairs. After we got seated, the man at the organ started to play some music. First came the bride’s maids who walked up to the altar followed by the groom and the bride. After the bride and groom reached the altar, some kids came with followers. At the altar, the bishop started chanting words that I couldn’t understand. It might have been because it was Latin, a chant to the god, or he was speaking Greek. I think it was most likely because he was speaking Greek, or at least I think it was Greek.
                During the chant another man would repeat the words the bishop was saying in a deeper voice. During the whole thing we had to wait silently. Afterwards everyone but the bride and groom ran outside. There we got confetti cannons and bags of rice. We then waited for the bride and groom to come out. I went over to the marines who were all standing in a line. They had their cannons like guns so when the bride and groom came out they would shoot in the sky. When they came out, everyone shot their cannons. Confetti went everywhere. Rice flew everywhere. It was fun.
                Afterwards we went to someone’s house for coffee. Everyone spent that time getting to know everyone and tasting the pastries. During the talking and rejoicing, Erik and I started a foosball tournament with the other kids there. We played until the coffee party was over. We then drove to a big concert like place. We got out of the car and waited inside. We decided to help by holding the doors for people. While we did that, other people set up the concert area so it would look nice. After everyone arrived we got to the door and waited. We watched the bride and groom stand on a high platform. We then all passed shaking the bride’s, groom’s, father’s, mother’s, and bride’s maids’ hands. We then sat down at our table, and we had to take food from a befit table.
                There was a table of food that you could take the food and drink. Then the kids were allowed to dance on the stage. During the party music would play. Everyone was having a blast. Lights were flashing everywhere. I had fun too.
                If I was getting married I might do it in a church or just with friends. I would have all my friends and family come.  I would rent a place out for a party afterwards then have everyone come to my place for hang out time. I would wear my tuxedo, and bride might wear a white dress if she wanted to. I would have my mom and dad is there so help me and my brother to cheer me on. I would have the children of my friends help bring out the flowers. Then I would have poppers and rice to throw.
                This day meant a lot to the bride and groom. They were going to be married. Also, weddings are really important in Cyprus, because they usually invite like over 300 people. I really like the party at the end. I was kind of bored when they were saying the first things for the wedding, but then it was fun.

The video

Well, here it is. It was made by my brother. DON'T CRITSIZE HIM!!!! Miss deu, this is is a nice resispie, if you want to find out what he saids in english comment me. enjoy!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Classwork:11 for 2011

What do you have in your pocket?
I uaually have nothing because I forget them in my pocket and they go throught the wash. if I do have some thing its small change, my locker key, or a note for class.

What was the last thing you had to drink?
Milk becuase I like milk and I have it for dinner each day.

What makes you happy?
My friends and family. I always feel better around them, especially my brother.

What was the last really nice thing you did for somone?
I cleaned my brother's room. We had a little time before bed, and my brother had homework so I cleaned it up.

What scares you?
Losing friends.

What was the last movie you saw?

What was the last song you sang?
"Be Our Guest" in the school play that I sighned up for.

What was the last thing you bought?
School lunch.

What couldn't you live without?
i couldn't live without my brother becuase he is so nice to me and is a very good friend.

What do you hope for?
World peace.

What could you live without?
Homework. I can live with class work but i can't live with homework.